The Tale of The Two Temples
A Story for Our Daughters
There once was a pure white temple that was revered by many who saw it, for it contained a true spark of God. People would say even being within sight of it they experienced God’s joy and love. The temple contain a “Temple Keeper,” who was tasked with the stewardship of caring for the temple, guarding its light and only allowing the truly worthy to enter.
One day a passerby came asked to enter and see the spark. The temples keeper looked upon the passerby, and noted his kind and earnest face. He offered a promise that if he were let in, then he would keep the amazing joy inside to himself, and that things amazing such as the true light of God shouldn’t be kept in isolation.
The temples keeper was naive, and although she knew the value of the light inside, and was trained well on how to keep it, she had been consumed by feelings of loneliness. This man seemed so charming and having him in her presence felt good. Unsure of when she would have another opportunity, she decided to let him in to see the light.
Once let in, the passerby saw the light and felt alive for the first time in ages, he decided that he couldn’t leave the light in the temple, and took it for himself. The temple became cold and darkened. As its light left, so did its keeper, for there was no reason to guard something that had been taken.
Meanwhile, in a far away land, there was another mighty temple that contained a other spark of God’s divine light. This temple was strong and the keeper of that temple knew the worth of the light inside, a true spark of the divine. The keeper was also wise and cautious, heeding the words of those who taught her. The keeper knew part of her stewardship of the temple was to learn to contend with loneliness, “some things are just too valuable,” she thought.
One day passerby came, with a kind face and asked to be let into the temple, offering to stay inside and never leave. The keeper so wanted to share the light with someone who would appreciate it and felt terribly lonely. But, learning patience over the years, said to the passerby, “I do so much want you share this light with me, but I just don’t know you’re worthy, and only time and your actions can reveal that to me.” The passerby thought for a moment, and said. “Just knowing there is God's spark in there is enough for me, I will build my house next to it, and contend myself with becoming a caretaker of this temple to show you I know it’s value.” The keeper felt connected with the man’s words and sensed an earnest nature about him, thinking “time will tell.”
The keeper was excited because loneliness was a thing of the past. Three years past, and the man never asked to go inside the temple again, and sought contentment to maintaining what he could apart from the inside. One day, after coming to learn his displays for caring for her and the temple were genuine, he was deemed worthy and granted permission to enter.
Upon entering and experiencing the light, the man knew it was of God, he decided it’s value was so pure there was only one place for it, right where it stays.
The temples keeper was so happy, for she knew this man was truly worthy.
And he her…
After seeing the light the man finally was able to exhale, his face had completely changed from excitement to utter relief. He exhaled a breath that seemed to be years in the making. He was wearing a satchel that the woman had never noticed before. Reaching in, he pulled out his own divine spark. For he had been searching his whole life for a safe place to keep it. He placed it next to hers in the temple and their light shined more brilliantly than ever before.